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meet dr. scherina

A Network Spinal Chiropractor focused on caring for Mamas, babies and the whole family. 


Surrounded by plants in my Orlando loft space & using a gentle touch—I wake up & ground nervous system. Network Spinal sends your body into a parasympathetic state (rest, digest, growth and development) and retrains the nervous system to better regulate through day to day stresses.  This allows the body to continuously heal without the patterns of fight or flight that have been created from traumas and stress – physical, chemical and emotional – and yes, even generational trauma and patterns.  This allows you to live your life as your truest self, without symptoms, stress or survival mode interfering.

Have you ever felt disconnected from your career path?


I did. And my entire life changed because of it.


I was on the pre-med track at UCF when I realized—I no longer felt aligned with the medical industry. I changed majors &—to help pay the bills—I took an admin job with a local chiropractor (which happened to focus on Network Spinal).


If you’ve ever worked at a chiropractic office, you know the biggest perk is—free treatment! As a patient, I could feel what Network Spinal was all about.


In that moment, I knew I had to become a chiropractor! And enrolled in chiropractic school. My first year in practice as a Network Spinal doc—I gave birth to my son, Ayven—in a wonderfully magical 4-hour labor. (I know, I know!)


Now, I’m the owner of IWC in Orlando, FL treating mamas & babies on the daily!

I’ve known the type of community I wanted to create & the mission & the way I wanted to practice since I was in chiropractic school. It was immediately clear that I’d be building this practice from scratch. (Which wasn’t easy, but was totally worth it!)


One of the biggest challenges in my chiropractic career has been finding my voice and figuring out who I am as a doctor. There were ‘colleagues’ that felt I was competition, so they made firm statements like, “You can’t focus your practice around prenatal & pediatric care.”


Or that the way I wanted to practice wasn't ideal for Network Spinal.  

I actually listened. I became afraid to practice the way I wanted. 

But—I quickly realized it wasn’t working for me & started to turn everything around with lots of help!


Once I started to show up as my authentic self—everything changed.



"I felt like for once in my life someone was there to help me & not just label me & give me medication.”

let's get to know each other

I’m a coffee fiend! Not for the caffeine—for its warmth & comfort. 

I love my French press, bulletproof bougie coffee ritual.

Having a cup of warm goodness makes my heart happy all day.

(There are so many bad toxins in the world so don’t get on me about caffeine.)


Some things I enjoy and are a MUST in my life.

Good food, occasional wine, transformative books, exploring new hobbies (currently its golf and dance), deep conversations with good company and even deeper belly laughs in between.


The 1 thing I’m not as open about is—the amount of trauma I've experienced in my life.

I’m grateful for everything I’ve been through to be able to be here.

Even though I’m looked at as a “healer,” I’m doing so much work myself to be able to share the gifts of healing with my patients. 

We’re growing & healing right alongside each other. 


If I had a second career, it would be as a:

Home designer—I love creating a vibe within a space.

Give me an empty room—I can piece together things—I can visualize it in my head!

I want the office to feel a certain way—even in pictures.

We have like a million plants here at IWC (but I probably have even more at home)!

(If you’d asked me this when I was younger, I would have said “a pediatrician.”)


My favorite moment during an entrainment has got to be:

The moment I touch someone. There’s an overall feeling of connection. 

I get just as much out of giving an entrainment as my patients get on the receiving end. I fully feel the presence every single time someone gets on the table - adult, kiddo or baby.

A close second is the moment their body feels safe enough to incorporate the Network Spinal wave—the body-wave-like movement—it’s an indication their body is completely reorganizing.


“Your son’s name is Ayven—was that always going to be his name?”

I had 5 or 6 names on a list.

I really wanted it to be Ayven, but I told myself I’ll know once I meet him, so the second I met him I was like “Yep! He’s definitely an Ayven.”

I made it up. I put 2 names together. 

It's so unique & beautiful, I just love it.


If I had to pick a favorite majestic animal… 

I always say my spirit animal is an elephant. 

I feel so connected to them—even though I haven’t met one yet face to face!

Dogs are always gonna be my favorite animal.

They’re just so loving. I have a dog now—Ace who has been with me through all of my adulthood!


My favorite music is:

I love listening to music, it’s so healing. In fact, I listen to music much more than I watch TV.

I grew up listening to Reggae in my home ALL the time!

I can bounce around to so many different genres in one day!

I’ll be working out with like pure, old-school hip hop. 

Then I’m at the office with this slow, healing, life-changing music. My go-to at home is R&B, Reggae or some soulful Gospel.


meet ayven. 


My World. And yes, I’m THAT Mama.
This little guy changed everything in my life.  Exactly one year after birthing IWC Family Chiropractic, I gave birth to Ayven in the comfort of my own home – my dream birth.  The way I felt throughout my entire pregnancy and watching him receive Chiropractic care within hours of being born (as soon as I could move to the bed from the tub) made the journey to become a family focused nervous system doctor the priority.


learn even more about me.

features, podcasts, and more.

The Unlock Wellness Podcast with Dr. Kasey Johnson.
Prenatal and Pediatric Chiropractic
Spotify Podcast
Apple Podcast

SOULcleanse with Dylan Bowman.
Diving into Network Spinal
Spotify Podcast
Apple Podcast

Article from OrlandoVoyager
Hidden Gems: Meet Scherina Alli of IWC Family Chiropractic

Article from MOMLANDO
Orlando Moms Who Rock: Dr. Scherina Alli

Article from Orlando Business Journal
40 Under 40 honoree in 2021

Marketing your Practice – Dr. Angus Pyke
The Power of Authenticity in Your Marketing. Scherina Alli. Ep248.

Apple Podcast


It’s not just about alignment in your body—it’s about alignment in your life.

You can make decisions that align with you.

You can start living a life that serves—you.

You must touch the nervous system to get to the root of the issue—or you’ll forever simply be masking the symptoms.

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